Top tips for wrapping Christmas gifts

Xmas gift hero

Forget the winter Olympics, the real extreme sport is wrapping Christmas gifts. Trying to find the end of the Sellotape, paper cuts, and let’s not get started on neat wrapping. Read on for our top Christmas wrapping tips.

Wrapping stations

Having a designated area to wrap Christmas presents is a great way to make sure you stay organised. This could be a table or even the floor, but one thing to make sure of is that you have enough space to spread out your materials. If you have a lot of presents to wrap, it’s a good idea to choose somewhere that is out of sight so that you can leave everything as it is, ready for when you come back to it.

Xmas wrapping station 2


It’s all about the little details when it comes to giving gifts. Make a present extra-special by adding finishing touches to tie it all together. Adding gift tags, bows, or ribbon can turn plain wrapping paper into a Christmassy bundle of joy. Remember not to go over the top with these, as too many accessories can be overwhelming.

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Coordinate your colours

Choosing colours that complement each other will make it look like a lot of time and effort has been put into wrapping, even if you actually left it to the last minute. Picking base colours to use – like reds, golds, and greens – will ensure that your package will look high-end. Mix and match these colours for a put-together feel, like red ribbon and gold paper.

For an elevated look, choose paper with simplistic or no patterns on it, as it can clash with the accessories.

Xmas colours

Try out different wrapping methods

Good news! You don’t need to take that origami class for your gift-wrapping to be spectacular. There are many fun ways to wrap Christmas gifts aside from the trusty regular method, which are relatively easy to do once you know how. Adding a fanning effect, like this, or a pocket will have your guests thinking you had their gifts wrapped by an expert.

Xmas folding

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